The School has been active over the past few years in expanding our scholarship with the purpose of becoming a school internationally recognized not only for its exceptional teaching and professional and community interactions, but also for our life and industry changing research. Excellent universities serve many constituencies and do not sacrifice, but enhance the quality of their many missions. Our world-class UAB Academic Medical Center (AMC) is a classic example of scholarship excellence that facilitates and enhances the teaching and service components of a university.
Using AMC as a role model, the UAB School of Business has spent the last several years taking steps to raise the bar on research that is imperative to the growing recognition as a destination school, while balancing the simultaneous and complementary critical focus on excellence in teaching and service:
(1) We have dedicated added resources in support of on-going faculty research-with over $200,000 of added annual funding for research data and summer research grants.
(2) In the last 30 months we have recruited 17 new teacher-scholars, exceptional faculty from top-tier Schools of Business such as The University of Missouri, Florida State, U Mass, Georgia Tech, The University of Georgia, Texas Tech, and the University of Illinois. And like many of our respected scholars who are also exceptional teachers and mentors to industry - a previous blog post discussed the excellence of Dr. Tom Powers as a true teacher-scholar over a 25-year career at UAB - the new teacher-scholars also bring many years of industry experience that facilitate their contribution to the experiential learning of our students.
(3) We have materially expanded the participation of our faculty in healthcare research with several business faculty members now actively participating in major healthcare research efforts and grants in the School of Medicine. These scholars are following the example set by Professor Emeritus Dr. Jack Duncan, an exceptional long-standing healthcare scholar in the School of Business.
Find more about UAB’s commitment to civic engagement, service learning and research from UAB President Dr. Carol Garrison.