A key tool in this expansion of our teaching mission and to our commitment to ethical behavior is the use of “service learning” projects. I am pleased to note that the UAB School of Business has established a separate Program in Service Learning—led by a senior faculty member. The lead project of this “program” is assisting a local high school that serves the needs of poor students of diversity—students who are “at risk” without the significant structure and intern/work positions created by the school and its many communities of support. Our commitment to “service learning” goes beyond any one key project—into all our majors and into many specific classes.
Mission growth is driven by frequent inquiries from not-for-profit organizations for training in key management/leadership skills---such as financial analysis/forecasting/budgeting in times of declining revenue and/or high variability/risk of cash flows. Four of our faculty members (in finance and quantitative analysis) recently worked pro-bono for the City of Birmingham to facilitate more accuracy in the forecasting of monthly city revenues—not an easy task in these challenging times. As this project continues, our undergraduate students will assume more of an ongoing role in maintaining the forecasts.
The partnership that we enjoy with the Birmingham business community provides our students with an opportunity to gain real-world training and a chance to experience giving back to the community. Our students not only learn from experienced, award winning faculty but also from leaders in the local business community. I am grateful for the partnership and the leaders who share our commitment to improve the lives of our students and our community.
In the coming weeks and months, you will be learning more of a major ethics initiative by the UAB School of Business. In the meantime, I would love to hear your ideas as to what we can do as a School to become a positive force in these times of ethical and economic concerns?